Something About Me

I grew up in France, near Geneva, Switzerland, which feels like home since I also lived there.

Early on, I dreamed of traveling, intrigued by the people who worked in Geneva’s international organizations and often wore traditional clothing on the streets. I did travel a lot. My little niece even thought I lived in an airplane; I always came out of and returned to the airport. After raising a family in California, I moved to Vancouver, BC, with my husband. I regularly visit family and friends in France and the United States.

As a young teenager penning expressive letters to my best friend’s father, in a long-term care facility, I was told I should become a writer. Instead, I studied foreign languages.
Later, attending University in the U.S. revived my passion for writing. After a B.A. in International Studies (emphasis on international organizations and law) I received a diploma for a two-year distance learning course with the London School of Journalism.

I am a member of the Federation of BC Writers, the North Shore Writers’ Association, and the International Women’s Writing Guild.

Golf, my garden, the fun of fashion, the sunsets of the Northwest, and traditional French pastries are a few of my favorite things.

I studied English in England, then German in Germany. Learning Spanish became useful when I lived there part of the time. However, my writing tongue of choice is English. Writing in a second language perhaps helped me establish my ‘writing voice,’ but there is no such thing as total bilingualism. This might be why I consider myself a slow writer.

Biography of a Friendship is my first book. I have always enjoyed writing, perhaps because I read a lot as a child. I still have these books, in French.

Then, from one tutorial book to another, workshops, and learning to write travel stories, I started a collection of nonfiction short stories, still in the works. Then halfway through writing a novel inspired by a true story, my priority changed, and I wrote a memoir. It took years, and I am happy to share a story that might help other women.