Welcome to my website!

Who said, 'Never say never?'

Charles Dickens coined the phrase in 1837 in The Pickwick Papers.

There are two reasons I thought about this:
1. I resisted having a website.
2. I wondered when my book would ever be published.

 'Never say die!' Dickens said that, too.

My website is herewith announcing the release of my book!




Barnes & Noble 

Indigo/Chapters (Canada)

Tule Publishing (E-books)


Try to support your independent bookstore!

Available to bookstores under ISBN 9781962707688 from Ingram.


The decades-long friendship between two women is turned upside down by a shattering diagnosis. This story is about the ebb and flow of life and its conundrums, romantic love and its complications, and the unexpected outcome of a loss. It takes readers on an introspective journey set mostly in France and Switzerland. This emotional and candid memoir deeply resonated with early reviewers, perhaps because sharing their stories is how women help each other.


Check Tule's list of romance and mystery titles - and the new nonfiction imprint. 




“As a travel writer, this journey of a friendship, that shows and not only tells, took me on a different type of trip, one that made me reflect on my own experiences of loss, soothing those memories. I could not put the book down.”

—Karen Berger, New York Times bestselling author, 'America Great Hiking Trails'


“From the opening chapter of this beautiful story, I was invited into the heart of a friendship and the memories of an incredible woman. This memoir reads like a novel and takes the reader on a journey through the intertwined lives of two strong, funny, unapologetic, and colourful women as they navigate love and loss, strengthen their friendship over distance and time, and learn how to let go and say goodbye. This book will make you laugh and cry, and will serve as a reminder of the precious nature of life.”

—Kate Gajdosik, Producer, IMDb


“A compelling story that leads the reader into the warp and weft of the timeless meaning of friendship between two women. Time can heal, sometimes in unexpected ways.”

—Laila Radage, co-author, 'Through the Golden Age'


“From the perspective of grant donors, to help advance better treatment of pancreatic cancer, this book eloquently informs of the reality of patients and their families after diagnosis. It highlights the difficulty of such an emotional journey without the support of an organization such as PanCAN. It’s also the captivating story of a friendship.”  

—Steve, and Cheryl Kole - PanCAN PurpleStride Silicon Valley/Promise & Progress Team Captain 


(Pancreatic Cancer: A Cause Close to My Heart)

This website is about my writing life. I share previously published stories and what inspires me as a writer. Writing is a solitary activity: no one else can write the story I have in my mind but me. Yet, only readers bring a story to life. I hope Writing is Living will resonate with readers and writers alike.

Although I share travel stories, this is not a travel writer’s website. I don’t give the in-and-out practicalities of traveling the globe, unlike Buckettripper.com—the multiple award-winning digital travel magazine—for which I contributed articles. However, my travel stories are authentic.

But then, Writing is Living is more than that, as you will find out if you browse the categories.

The links I share are from reliable sources, or personal connections, with no strings attached. Book titles, photos with permission to use, and specific products serve my stories instead of the other way around.



Good writing is difficult. Daniel Hawthorne says it best, “Easy reading is damn hard writing.”

Writing helps give better form to thoughts. Vocal expression is usually spontaneous. It carries the risk that what was meant is not what was heard because emotions have power.

Learning to write well is a never-ending journey. Practice, workshops, books, and conferences are writing tools, along with reading.

Other than inspirational memoirs, these resources keep honing5 my skills.

Travel Stories

When I first traveled to places I’d likely never go back to—the world is a big place—I was frustrated and even sad to leave beautiful and interesting sites behind. Sure, I’d bring back photographs galore, mementos, and books, but they weren’t enough. They didn’t keep my memories alive. But writing stories about them would let me keep them forever.