

Running a website is like gardening. It begins with a seed of an idea, and then it grows and multiplies. It's an ongoing journey.

In this News/Blog, I share my experiences with workshops, conferences, and other events. Albert Einstein said: “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” That's what I am trying to do!

Thank you for following me on Facebook and Pinterest.

News from Vancouver (Photo MCArnott)

When Plotting Goes Micro

Every book has a macro-plot (the overarching story) and a micro-plot (the small scenes that weave the main story and its characters).

During a Zoom session hosted by Authors Publish, on January 12th, 2022, featured guest and children’s book author John Claude Bemis addressed micro-plotting.


Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog

Join that Zoom Meeting for Writers!

It was 5 am in Jerusalem and 8 pm Vancouver local time on November 2nd, 2021 when Rena Rossner joined the North Shore Writers Association, for a Zoom meeting.

I didn’t even have to go anywhere, yet I wasn’t sure I’d join at first. I may have Jewish friends, but I don’t write fiction…

Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog

The Query Countdown

The countdown has begun. On September 4th, I sent a query to four of the first twenty agents I had selected out of my initial list of 50. Replies may come within 4-6 weeks unless I get none. A no reply means either implicit rejection or my submission is still among the hundreds of queries an agent..

Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog

Working on My Book Proposal

All I have been doing in the past weeks is working on my book proposal, the one I wrote more than a year ago. Since then, learning and practice have helped me identify the mistakes I had made, then.

A book proposal is like a business plan. It will either convince agents to read my manuscript..

Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog

What Is a Memoir?

Memoir is a writing genre that is often misunderstood. It is neither a biography nor an autobiography – see my Interview of a Memoirist published in WordWorks (pages 21-25), the magazine of the Federation of British Columbia Writers.

A memoir is not a biography, which is about the life..

Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog

The Power Of Accountability

Ah, the power of accountability if only to oneself.

Out of frustration one day, I wrote down my mental roadblocks about the memoir I had finally completed. It forced me to review how I got to those roadblocks, to ask myself questions, and to think of a course of action. Before I knew it, I..

Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog
Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my website!

Who said, “Never say never”? I had to look it up. Charles Dickens coined the phrase in 1837, in Charles Dickens’s Pickwick Papers.

I was working on a memoir – then – knowing I needed a website yet resisting it. As if the digital world needed just one more… Besides, I was..

Posted by Marie-Claude Arnott in News/Blog