Promotion… Promotion

Publishing a book requires a type of work much different than writing. Juggling the promotion of Biography of a Friendship and a family priority was awkward, yet it had to be done. Still, promotion is the bane of a writer…

Before the release date, I sent 152 personalized emails to family, friends, and acquaintances. I am grateful for the 75 percent supportive feedback.

I worked on social media: my Facebook Profile, and The Writings Keys. On LinkedIn, my son surprised me with a much-appreciated shout-out.

I took a listing for my book at the online bookstores of the Federation of BC Writers and the International Women’s Writing Guild. I contacted independent bookstores. In Canada, it made more sense that my book be available at a large independent bookstore (Indigo).

I participated in various events:

February 27, 2024 (Pre-release) – The Federation of British Columbia Writers / Regional Authors Spotlight on Zoom with three fellow authors. I gave a reading and answered a major question: Why did I write a memoir instead of a novel? Good question! A shout-out appeared in the summer edition of their magazine WordWorks.

March 14, 2024 – Launch day for Biography of a Friendship. Tule Publishing had a live event on Facebook.

April 12, 2024 – North Shore Writers’ Association Festival. My book was on display.

April 27, 20 – PurpleStride Walk annual fundraiser for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN), in San Jose, California.

June 2024 – My write-up was published in the Blackhawk Living magazine in Danville (Cal.) since my story is connected to this location. Thank you, Rakestraw Bookstore, for listing Biography of a Friendship.

July 22, 2025 – Interview by Rishab Perati for the website Living with Cancer.

July 23, 2024 – Reading for the Writers’ Showcase at the Vancouver Public Library.

August 6, 2024 – Reading at the Harmony Arts Festival in West Vancouver with the North Shore Writers’ Association.

September 2024 – Biography of a Friendship is available at the three local libraries. It was selected for the North Shore Author’s Collection display for one year, with a celebration in the Fall.

An event is in the works with the Alliance Française in Vancouver in the Fall of 2024.

As I set up to reach a larger audience, I hope to get more reviews. Before becoming an author, I never thought of leaving reviews (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads), yet just three sentences will help potential readers decide whether the book is for them – or not.

Thank you very much for your support! The journey continues for Biography of a Friendship